Diamond Time, Ltd.



This archive contains hundreds of hours of music performance footage including: The Who, Santana, Miles Davis, Jethro Tull, The Allman Brothers Band, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, AC/DC, Chicago and many others...

For a complete list of artists and performance dates, contact us at info@diamondtime.net

"The History Of Rock N' Roll"
Interview Archive

In the mid-1990's, several of rock and roll's most influential artists were interviewed by Time Life for their 10-hour series, "The History Of Rock N' Roll".

Exclusive interview material is available on the following artists:

Aerosmith Aldridge, Alan
Alexander, J.W. Allman Bros, The
Aronowitz, Al Asher, Peter
Ballard, Hank Baxter, Jeff
Beach Boys Bono
Boone, Pat Bowie, David
Brown, James Brown, Ruth
Browne, Jackson Buckingham, Lindsay
Burdon, Eric Burke, Solomon
Burnett, Billy Burton, James
Butler, Artie Butler, Jerry
Carlisle, Belinda Casale, Gerry
Cavaliere, Felix Cervanka, Exene
Chuck D Clark, Dick
Clinton, George Collins, Judy
Collins, Phil Cook, Paul
Cooper, Alice Costello, Elvis
Country Joe McDonald Coyote, Peter
Cropper, Steve Crosby, David
Davis, Clive Davis, Spencer
DJ Fontana Doe, John
Elliot, Jack Elliot, Joe
Ennis, Ray Eno, Brian
Everly, Brian Fabian
Faithfull, Marianne Fakir, Abdul "Duke"
Farrell, Perry Fleetwood, Mick
Frampton, Peter Gamble & Huff
Gardner, Carl Garfunkel, Art
George, Boy Gilmour, David
Grandmaster Flash Grant, John
Gruen, Bob Guthrie, Bob
Hall, Daryl Harry, Bill
Hart, Mickey Harvey, P.J.
Hatfield, Jim Havens, Richie
Hell, Richard Helm, Levon
Helms, Chet Hillman, Chris
Hyne, Chrissy Idol, Billy
Jan & Dean Jardine, Al
Jones, Quincy Jones, Steve
Kantner, Paul Kasem, Casey
Kaye, Lenny King, B.B.
King, Ben E. Knight, Gladys
Knopfler, Mark Kooper, Al
Kramer, Billy J. KRS-One
LaBelle, Patti Leach, Sam
Letz, Don Leverts, The
Lewis, Jerry Lee Lieber, Jerry
Little Richard Lollapalooza / Greenday
Lollapalooza Nick Cave/L7 Lollapalooza Stereolab/Greenday
Lollapalooza- Nick Cave Lollapalooza-L7/B-roll
Lydon, John Lynne, Jeff
Manzarek, Ray Marsden, Gerry
Martin, George May, Brian
McGuinn, Roger McLaren, Malcolm
McNally, John McNeal, Legs
McNeal, Legs/Holstrom Mersey Beats - Tony Crane & Bill Kinsley
Mitchell, Joni Montague
Moore, Sam Moore, Scottie
Nash, Graham Noone, Peter
Ocasek, Ric Ochs, Michael
Osbourne, Ozzy Otis, Johnny
Page, Jimmy Paul, Les
Pendergrass, Teddy Perkins, Carl
Peter, Paul & Mary Petty, Tom
Phillips, John Pitman, Bob
Plant, Robert Pop, Iggy
Price, Alan Ramone, Joey
Ramone, Johnny Rawls, Lou
Righteous Bros. Rivers, Johnny
Robinson, Smokey Roth, David Lee
Rothchild, Paul Run DMC
Rundgren, Todd Salt N Peppa
Sanders, Ed Santana, Carlos
Savage, Jon Schilling, Jerry
Sebastian, John Sedaka, Neal
Siggins, Betsy Simmons, Gene
Smith, Joe Solt, Andrew
Springsteen, Bruce Stanley, Paul
Stein, Seymour Stewart, Dave
Stoller, Mike Strummer, Joe
Taylor, Derek Torrance, Dean (Jan & Dean)
Townshend, Pete Ulrich, Lars
Van Halen (Eddie & Sammy) Van Halen, Eddie
Vandross, Luther Vega, Suzanne
Von Ronk, Dave Wavy Gravy
Wein, George Williams, Alan
Wilson, Brian Wilson, Carl
Womack, Bobby Wood, Ron

For more information contact us at: info@diamondtime.net